Evolving Standard Validation Practices for Traffic Data

Evolving Standard Validation Practices for Traffic Data

In part one of a two-part series on traffic volume estimation and StreetLight validation, we examine key questions to understand the possible variations for two industry standard methods.

TRB Annual Meeting 2022

TRB Annual Meeting 2022

We’re excited to delve into to the latest industry trends and insights at TRB this year by learning, participating, and listening. Explore this page to learn more about our TRB plans and the conversations we’re striking up about career opportunities with Fehr & Peers.

Rutgers Road to Reopening: Planning Parking & Shuttle Service for Rutgers University Amid COVID-19

Rutgers Road to Reopening: Planning Parking & Shuttle Service for Rutgers University Amid COVID-19

With anticipated changes in travel for university communities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rutgers University needed a plan to reopen safely. Partnering with Brailsford & Dunlavey, Fehr & Peers DC developed the Transportation Demand Stress Test Tool that predicts shuttle loads and parking demand, allowing Rutgers to plan data-driven solutions.

Bike & Bus Interaction on Our Streets

Bike & Bus Interaction on Our Streets

Bus operators and people on bikes often share road space, travel at similar speeds, and have very different sizes, making moving easily and safely an ongoing challenge. We recently partnered with LA Metro on a comprehensive review of bike/bus interactions in LA County, and together, developed a set of design and education recommendations that can help and may be applied anywhere in the United States. Take a look!