Think Complete Picture
Digging into the data – both traditional and innovative – is the best way to define systemic safety challenges and pair them with countermeasures that work for all. Processing those data quickly and accurately leads to successful, near-term built improvements.
Key Considerations:
The systemic analysis is a great opportunity to investigate the impact of traffic safety on your equity priority communities. Are certain groups of people or specific neighborhoods overburdened by traffic violence? What is unique about those roadways or land use contexts that make it riskier to travel? What are lower cost, near-term improvements that can be implemented to improve safety in those areas?
Speed Management
Higher speeds lead to more collisions and more severe collision outcomes. This is why prioritizing speed management is critical for any safety program. A thoughtful systemic analysis utilizing the right data will help you identify corridors or neighborhoods where prevailing speeds are too high for the local roadway and land use context, allowing you to apply targeted speed management strategies where they’ll have the greatest impact and provide the greatest benefits.
We often work with communities to identify roadway and land use characteristics that can be a sign of collision risk. This helps to know which low-cost countermeasures can be put in place to reduce those risks across a community’s roadways. Snohomish County is a great example of taking this approach in both urban and rural environments.
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What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.

Erin Ferguson
What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.