Get Started

Trying to move the needle on safety can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By listening to and understanding your safety needs, we’ll help you see where you are now, and where there is room for change on your way to a Safe System.

Key Considerations:


Think beyond the plan itself to commit to safety in everything you do. A benchmarking assessment is a useful way to establish your safety baseline. What policies, programs, guidelines, and standards does your community have in place to support–or potentially hinder–safety efforts? From here, you can identify strategies to further institutionalize your positive safety practices and remove the barriers keeping you from seeing a difference in safety outcomes.

Survey of Attitudes

Pair your safety benchmarking assessment with an attitudinal survey to understand how your staff and your community value safety and think about the tradeoffs associated with prioritizing safety over other transportation-related needs. How do individuals view your community’s focus on safety today, and what adjustments would they like to see in the future?

 In partnership with the FHWA, we created a Primer on Safe System Approach for Pedestrians and Bicyclists, that identifies how to integrate Safe System into pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Learn more

What’s next?

Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.

What’s next?

Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.