Wildfire Evacuation & CEQA

A Checklist for Navigating Impacts

Updated: August 29, 2023

Fehr & Peers is seeking input on a discussion draft screening checklist for wildfire evacuation impacts. The checklist will help jurisdictions evaluate whether a detailed evacuation analysis is needed, and whether a project would likely result in a significant California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) impact. 

The user-friendly checklist has been designed to consolidate and simplify an array of wildfire evacuation considerations to inform project development. This guidance reflects expectations established by the CEQA statute, recent guidelines issued by the California Attorney General’s Office, and recent court decisions.  

Preview the checklist below and provide your feedback via email to Bob Grandy.  


Bob Grandy

Bob Grandy

TE Principal

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Meredith Milam

Meredith Milam

Transportation Planner

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Charlie Coles

Charlie Coles

Senior Transportation Planner

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Ron Milam

Ron Milam

Forecasting Practice Leader

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