Framework for Evaluating with Equity in Mind


In continually evolving transportation landscapes including those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, how can transit agencies meet changing travel demands and develop inclusive, accessible networks for travelers? 

We’re helping our clients do just that with a unique methodology crafted to assist project teams in evaluating and developing programs through an equity lens. The need for this type of work may become more pressing as transit agencies consider partnerships with new mobility providers as one way of responding to the near-term changes in travel preferences and needs that may arise as the country works its way out of the pandemic. Our Next Generation Transit Equity Evaluation Framework integrates community perspective, priorities, and goals with the framework’s key questions to determine which equity metrics would be most useful for the individual project. The criteria and metrics used in this methodology are rooted in industry best practices and a deep understanding of key equity considerations for emerging mobility and transit.

Explore the Summary

We invite you to explore the full Evaluation Framework Summary, which arranges the performance metrics into four topics of key questions and themes. We’re energized by the conversations this methodology is starting in our client partnerships, and the inclusive changes it will help bring to our communities.

Looking for more insights? Check out our Equity and Transit expertise pages and start the conversation with us for your community’s project! 

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