Understanding VMT Metrics: Explore Our Modeling Lexicon

With the transition to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as the new metric of transportation impact under CEQAagencies are realizing that VMT can take many forms. The VMT inputs used for air quality, greenhouse gas (GHG), and energy impacts differ from the recommendations for California Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) analysis. To minimize or avoid confusion and mistakes in VMT analysis, Fehr & Peers has developed a VMT Metrics Modeling Lexicon for greater understanding. 

The modeling lexicon breaks down each metric by nameand provides both the model type used to create it and a definition description for full explanation. Designed as a quick-reference chart, the lexicon provides important information and clarification across all the different VMT metrics, assisting the user in effectively navigating VMT calculations of all types. 

Using Our Lexicon Reference

We invite you to explore our Fehr & Peers VMT Modeling Lexicon, and we are open to comments and input for enhancements to it as well. The lexicon is intended as a helpful reference for unpacking the complexities of VMT analysis and as a road map for accurate calculations.  

Are you interested in learning more about VMT metricsmodeling, or California Senate Bill 743 implementation and planning? Check out our California SB 743 webpage and contact us with your questions.