Navigate Implementation
Being equipped with a set of simple, powerful, and actionable safety strategies can guide you through implementation and in securing funding. If implementation challenges pop up, we’ll be here to support.
Key Considerations:
Quick Build or Demo Projects
These are an affordable and temporary method to test out a new design, especially when introducing it to a community. By using the project, you can discover what works and what doesn’t, and feedback from users will help improve the design of the permanent project. These demos, when accompanied by a plan to track and measure their results, are also highly attractive to potential grant funding.
Potential Barriers
Anticipate project implementation barriers from the start. What are the common tensions in your agency and in your community when a new safety project is proposed? There may be concerns about access for mobility-impaired individuals, fear of not being able to evacuate or provide care in an emergency, opposition to giving up free parking, or a desire to avoid congestion. You cannot eliminate these tensions, but you can be prepared to address them, so they don’t prevent your safety project from happening.
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) successfully reimagined, redesigned, and funded significant corridor enhancements on streets that were part of their original high injury network. Enhancements included things like protected bike lanes, protected intersections, transit boarding islands, curb extensions, and new pedestrian crossings. This helped them stay on track to achieve their goal of implementing quick build improvements on the entirety of their approximately 160-mile high injury network.
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What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.

Erin Ferguson
What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.